Posted by: illinigirl | October 24, 2008

Why haven’t I blogged much about volunteering?

Well, I don’t talk *too* much on here about volunteering because while it’s a great charity. . . I don’t really want people to find me when looking it up and let my blog compromise my spot there, and I don’t want to share any personal info of the families there. . . BUT I do occasionally share stories.

There has been a noticeable drought of any mention of volunteering though. . . as my charity unfortunately suffered significant water damage during the hurricane.  😦  After more than a month, it’s still closed.

I was shocked about how long it was taking, but with so many kids with compromised immune systems. . . you have to go through many special measures to make sure that the facility is safe for them.  Apparently there was much, much, much damage, as I’m really surprised at the number of rooms that were affected.

They are hoping to open back up in a few weeks and allow some families back. . . and my first shift will likely be towards mid-late November.  They are hoping to be able to open all 50 rooms in the house before the holidays. . . and have been putting up families at hotels and other places in the interim.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again.  GREAT organization.  As to not call it out by name. . . it’s the one with a clown named Ronald as the symbol.  If you’d like any info about this charity, how I got involved, etc. . . leave me a comment or send me an email, and I’ll send you a note.  There are houses everywhere, and there are tons of opportunities to donate supplies, toys, time, etc.  (For example, my house has “Grandma’s closet” where you can go on your birthday and pick out a toy. . . my house has a prom for the high school students there, and they can always use fun donations for that. . . there are holiday events where you can donate time or items. . . and they have a food pantry where families can take food if they have been at the hospital and are unable to go on the store run.  Have old books/magazines/movies?  They could probably use them!  Have little shampoos/soaps from hotels, clorox wipes, toilet paper?  They can definitely use those!  There are literally hundreds of things you can do.)

I know that times are tight for people. . . but one of the many things I’ve learned from doing this is that it takes very, very little to make a difference and every little bit you can do helps!  Even if it’s just dropping some change in the container at the restaurants!

Thanks for reading my plug  🙂  . . . and keep my charity and it’s recovery effort in your prayers so they can be up-and-running and serving families again SOON!


  1. I loved when you volunteered in my classroom – and so did the kids! 🙂

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