Posted by: illinigirl | December 28, 2011

I need to remember this

Dad and I were at the wireless store picking up a new phone for Dad today.

Phone store dude: (setting up a security question for Dad’s account) Who is the first celebrity you’ve met?

Dad: Ringo*

Me: What?!? You’ve met Ringo and never told me???

Dad: Well, no. I’ve never met him, but if I have to answer the question, I will say “Ringo.”

Me: Are you going to remember that, seeing as you’ve never met him? Dad, you’ve met other celebrities.

Dad: Yeah, like JFK.

Me: WHAT? You met JFK?!?! How has this never come up before?????

Dad: I was young, and I shook his hand at the airport. He wasn’t president yet.

Me: That’s still kind of a big deal!

Phone store dude: There’s lots of over questions we can use for your security question. “Who was your first friend? What’s your favorite book? What’s your pet name? Where is your favorite city to travel?”

Dad: I’m sticking with “Ringo.”

Poor, poor phone store dude. He earned his money with us today.

*To any of you jokers who think about hacking into Dad’s account, I changed the name! 😉


  1. Should have been Beach Boys who I joked around with or Liberachi because I stayed at his place one night. Don’t ask!

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