Posted by: illinigirl | January 9, 2010

House possibility?

Well, I think this is it. . . I’m compromising on the location, as it’s further away from work and further on the edge of town than I’d like to be. . . but it’s a great house.

>1711 square feet. . . my biggest house yet!

It’s a house-house.  Not a condo.

Three car garage. . . Yes, for my little car (it’s better for resale up north yonder where people are more outdoorsy and snow-sy).

No vinyl!  (Sorry people, but I hate vinyl)

Ginormous basement (which I am leaving unfinished for now).

A big master bedroom and LARGE walk-in closet

*Some* character. . . I need to make *MORE*. . . There are lots of cool angles, cathedral ceilings, etc. . . unfortunately, the pictures are not very cool.  I need to take a video.

Missing posts and railing at front porch (still being finished up)

View when you walk in. . . although, this picture is at a bad angle. Can you picture my beautiful TV above the fireplace? 🙂

Love the kitchen, but I'm replacing the pantry door. . . I don't like that it has a picture on it. I'll be getting a plain on or one with frosted glass. . . Would LOVE to replace with dark granite countertops, but I will not get carried away (for now).

View into the dining area. . . The kitchen is quite large. . . I am not going to know what to do with myself cooking in such a large space. . .

Master bedroom. Again, not a good shot. . . but you can see some of the funky angles. The closet is very large. . . but coming from a place with four walk in closets, I will still struggle. . . granted, there are PLENTY of closets and a basement.

Master bath

Now, I am compromising a bit because it’s somewhat boring. . . but it’s really nice.  I will just have to work on ways to make it unboring.  Paint will be great way to show off the different angles. . . but the different angles will also make painting less fun and less possible for me.  I will have to hire people. . . or get scaffolding???  🙂

It still isn’t a done deal.  I want to go back and look this weekend.  We’ll see.  I feel very torn with this decision. . . but sometimes, you can’t get exactly what you want when you’re on a timeframe and worrying about resale.  My perfect place here is that condo I showed you last week.  😦  Oh well.


  1. the house is great. boring can easily be fixed. i love the kitchen – it’s bigger than mine – i want it.

  2. I love the house! I am so excited to visit you up there!

  3. […] it’s the same house that I liked that is a major commute from work. . . being built considerably closer to […]

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